
Cards (7)

  • What does validity refer to in research studies?
    Validity refers to the extent to which results of a research study are legitimate.
  • What are the types of validity in research?
    • Internal validity: Outcomes due to manipulation of the independent variable.
    • External validity: Generalisability to other settings, populations, and eras.
    • Ecological validity: Generalisability to other situations and settings.
    • Temporal validity: Generalisability to different historical times.
    • Population validity: Generalisability to various populations.
  • What is face validity?
    Face validity is when a measure appears to measure what it is supposed to.
  • What is concurrent validity?
    Concurrent validity refers to how well a psychological measure compares to a similar existing measure.
  • What is predictive validity?
    Predictive validity refers to how well a test can predict future events or behaviors.
  • What can negatively impact the validity of observational data?
    Broad, overlapping, or ambiguous behavioral categories can negatively impact validity.
  • How can validity be improved in experimental research?
    • Use a control group to assess changes in the dependent variable.
    • Standardise procedures to minimise participant reactivity.
    • Implement single-blind and double-blind procedures.