Cards (9)

    • social influence - as a change in an individual thoughts , feelings, attitudes or behaviours as a results of interactions with another individual or group.
    • social influences reasons for change
      • conformity
      • obeying an authority figure
      • minority groups
    • compliance is a type of conformity where someone goes along with a group's norms in public, but disagrees with them in private
    •  identification is a type of conformity where an individual changes their beliefs and behaviours to fit in with a group, person, or role
    • internalization is a type of conformity where a person changes their behavior and beliefs to match a group's norms.
    • ISI stands for Informational Social Influence, which is a process where people conform to the opinions or behaviors of others because they believe them to be correct. ISI is most likely to occur in ambiguous or new situations, when there is no clear answer.
    • Normative social influence (NSI) is a psychological concept that describes the desire to be accepted and liked by a group, and the influence this has on behaviour.
    • Sherif (1935)participant were asked to guess how far a dot of light 'moved'. The answer was not obvious so participants estimates moved towards the estimates of other.
      Therefore it is assumed that any level of conformity is because of informational social influence.
    • Asch(1951-55)
      participants were asked to match the length of lines, the correct answer was obvious yet participants still picked the wrong line because the confederate picked it.
      Therefore , if people conformed to group pressure it is assumed they did it as a result of normative social influence