Cards (31)

  • What is one difference between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    How objective the methods are
  • How can a general tendency towards negative perceptions affect self-report measures?
    It may lead to an exaggerated score on the self-report measures
  • What unjustified association might self-report measures produce?
    An association between life events/daily hassles and stress-related illnesses
  • What does the galvanic skin response measure?
    Electrical conductivity
  • Why are physiological measures considered more objective?
    They provide objective and empirical data
  • How does physiological data improve the validity of findings?
    It is collected through senses that is totally unbiased
  • What are the key differences between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    • Self-report measures are subjective and can be biased.
    • Physiological measures are objective and provide empirical data.
    • Self-report measures may exaggerate associations with stress-related illnesses.
    • Physiological measures improve validity due to their unbiased nature.
  • What is the main focus of self-report measures?
    Individual perceptions and experiences
  • What type of data do physiological measures provide?
    Objective and empirical data
  • What is a key difference between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    Whether the data collected is retrospective or not
  • Why is the recall of life events in Holme’s and Rahe’s study significant?
    It may not be accurate and can be influenced by neuroticism
  • How does higher neuroticism affect participants' recall of life events?
    They are more likely to recall more negative events
  • What impact does inaccurate recall of life events have on research findings?
    It reduces the internal validity and reliability of the findings
  • What does the galvanic skin response measure?
    Electrical conductivity
  • How does physiological data collection differ from self-report measures?
    Physiological measures collect data in 'real time'
  • Why is physiological data considered high in validity?
    Because there are no issues with accuracy in real-time data collection
  • What are the main differences between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    • Self-report measures are often retrospective.
    • Physiological measures collect data in real time.
    • Recall accuracy can be influenced by factors like neuroticism.
    • Physiological measures are generally more valid.
  • What is a similarity between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    Both methods face issues with validity.
  • Why does the SRRS fail to account for individual differences?
    It ignores that life events have different significance for different people.
  • How can the death of a spouse affect the surviving partner differently?
    The untimely death of a loved spouse can be devastating, while the death of an elderly spouse after a long illness may be less stressful.
  • What is a limitation of physiological measures in measuring stress?
    They only measure sympathetic arousal, which can occur due to any emotion.
  • What other emotions can lead to increased skin conductance besides stress?
    Fear, anger, or surprise can also lead to increased skin conductance.
  • What did Osumi find regarding skin conductance and cognitive perception?
    There are changes in skin conductance based on whether a person feels treated fairly or unfairly.
  • What is the overall conclusion about the validity of self-report and physiological measures?
    Both methods lack validity, with self-report lacking external validity and physiological measures lacking internal validity.
  • What are the types of validity issues faced by self-report and physiological measures?
    • Self-report measures lack external validity.
    • Physiological measures lack internal validity.
  • What is a key difference between self-report measures and physiological measures?
    Self-report measures are used in correlational research, while physiological measures are used experimentally.
  • What does the SRRS allow researchers to do?
    It allows researchers to look for a correlation between stress levels measured in LCU and illness.
  • Why can't studies using the SRRS establish cause and effect?
    Because there could be other factors causing poor health.
  • How can physiological measures be studied experimentally?
    By exposing participants to a stressful stimulus in a controlled environment while recording their galvanic skin response.
  • What does recording galvanic skin response allow researchers to establish?
    It allows researchers to establish that the stressful stimulus is causing a physiological response.
  • In what way are self-report measures and physiological measures different?
    They differ in terms of whether they can imply causation.