The role of social support

Cards (34)

  • What is a significant issue with research on social support and stress coping?
    Men and women differ in the extent to which they benefit from social support in coping with stress.
  • What did Lucknow et al. (1998) find in their meta-analysis regarding gender differences in social support usage?
    Women were more likely to use social support than men in 25 out of 26 studies.
  • Why are gender differences in coping with stress significant?
    They highlight the varying effectiveness of social support for different genders.
  • How does the gender composition of research participants affect the validity of findings on social support and stress?
    Using all-female or all-male participants questions the validity of the research findings.
  • What factor influences the findings on social support usage between genders?
    The type of social support being investigated affects the findings.
  • In what context do men use social support more than women?
    When looking at instrumental social support, which is more problem-focused.
  • Why might women appear to use social support more in studies?
    Most studies focus on emotional types of social support.
  • What is instrumental social support?
    Instrumental social support refers to problem-focused assistance.
  • What is emotional social support?
    Emotional social support refers to providing empathy and care.
  • What is the implication of focusing on emotional types of social support in studies?
    It may lead to an underestimation of men's use of social support.
  • What is a potential issue with research on social support and coping with stress?
    Cultural differences may affect the type of social support used
  • Who conducted a study comparing coping strategies of Asian and Anglo-Australian students?
    Bailey and Dua (1999)
  • What type of culture do Asian students belong to according to Bailey and Dua's study?
    Collectivist culture
  • What type of culture do Anglo-Australian students belong to according to Bailey and Dua's study?
    Individualist culture
  • What coping strategies do Asian students tend to employ?
    Collectivist coping strategies
  • What coping strategies do Anglo-Australian students tend to use?
    Individualist coping styles
  • How is an individualist coping style characterized?
    By more explicit support (instrumental) and individual support
  • How is collectivist support characterized?
    It is implicit due to the interconnected nature of society
  • Why is it important to consider different coping strategies in cultural contexts?
    Different coping strategies are used in different cultural contexts
  • What should researchers be cautious about when generalizing findings on coping strategies?
    They should be cautious about generalizing to all cultures to reduce culture bias
  • What is a weakness of research on social support and coping with stress?
    There is no universal agreement on where to draw boundaries for each type of social support.
  • Who suggested that esteem support is part of emotional support?
    House (1981)
  • What are the three main categories of social support according to Schaefer et al. (1981)?
    Emotional, tangible (instrumental), and informational support.
  • Why is the categorization of social support significant?
    It highlights the lack of consistency and agreement in types of social support.
  • What is a weakness of research suggesting that social support plays a role in coping with stress?
    It overlooks the role of pets in reducing stress.
  • What conclusion can be drawn about the categorization of social support?
    It is not a useful approach due to the lack of consistency.
  • Who reviewed research findings on pets and their impact on stress?
    Allen (2003)
  • What effect did the presence of pets have on children reading aloud, according to Allen (2003)?
    It reduced their blood pressure.
  • How did pets buffer the elderly according to Allen (2003)?
    They helped against life event stresses.
  • What cardiovascular benefit was reported in relation to pets?
    Reduced cardiovascular risk.
  • What was found to be more effective in reducing stress responses, according to one study mentioned by Allen (2003)?
    Talking to pets was more effective than talking to people.
  • Why is the explanation for the emotional benefits of social support significant?
    It may relate to not feeling alone, which can create anxiety.
  • What role do pets play in providing support, according to the study material?
    Pets play a valuable role in providing social support.
  • What is the significance of the presence of pets in relation to stress reduction?
    Pets contribute to stress reduction and emotional support.