Samples and Populations

    Cards (13)

    • Populations
      The entire collection of people, animals, plants or objects that we are interested in, sharing a common characteristic
      Defined by population parameters (measurements which describes the pop.)
      Vary in size- all UoM students vs all UoM students studying Psych
    • Samples
      A selection of individuals from the larger pop., for any pop. there are many possible samples, will vary in size
      Defined by sample statistics (measurements which describe the sample, used to infer pop. parameters)
      Must be representative and free from bias
    • Why do we sample?
      Time- difficult to collect data from everyone
      Money- expensive to collect data from everyone
      Access- not always possible to reach all members of a pop.
      Sufficiency- patterns of results don't always change much even if there is data from everyone
    • How do we sample?
    • Random sampling
      The gold standard, each member of pop. has an equal chance of being selected, usually quasi-random
    • Systematic sampling
      Draw from the population at fixed intervals, problematic in populations with a periodic function
    • Stratified sampling (when we know something)
      Proportional: specified groups appears in numbers proportional to their size in the population
      Disproportional: specified groups which are not equally represented in the population, are selected in equal proportions
    • Cluster Sampling
      Researcher samples an entire group or cluster from the population of interest
    • Opportunity/Convenience sample
      People who are easily available e.g. all who attended a live lecture, but can lead to a biased sample
    • Snowball sampling
      Recruit small numbers of Ps and then use those initial contacts to recruit further participants
      Biases the sample, but useful if you want to recruit very specific pop.
    • External validity
      Gather data from samples in order to infer pop. parameters
      External validity: ability to generalise results
      Population validity: Is our sample representative
      Ecological validity: does the behaviour measured reflect naturally occurring events
    • Internal vs External Validity
      Experimental designs= high internal but low external validity
      Naturalistic designs= low internal but high external validity
    • Sample size
      Size does matter
      The smaller the sample the bigger the sampling error
      Battle between size vs time/cost
      Factors in deciding sample size:
      Design- subjects design, number of IV's or IV levels
      Response rate
      Heterogeneity of pop.- Diverse population needs a large sample in order for it be representative