Cards (13)

  • what is qualative data?
    more detail (written)
  • what is quantative data?
    numerical data
  • what is a population?
    a large group of people you are interested in studying
  • what is a target population:
    a specific group of people you are interested studying (e.g children with autism under 6 years old)
  • whats a sample?
    an even smaller group of the target population
  • why do psychologists use a sample group?
    hope that it will be representative of the target population so that their results can be generalised to them
  • what is an opportunity sample?
    • selected on the basis of who is available at the time and who is willing to participate
    • the most common type
    • it is cheap and easy to conduct
  • what is a random sample?
    • every member of the target population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
    • a list of all members of the target populations is obtained
    • all of these names could be assigned a number
    • this sample would then be generated through the use of a lottery. method (computer-based randomised or picking numbers from a hat)
  • what is a volunteer sample:
    • a sampling technique where participants self-select to become part of a study
    • they volunteer when asked or respond to an advert
  • what is systematic sampling?
    • where every nth individual in a population is selected for inclusion in the sample.
    • there is a system to pick participants
  • what is a stratified sample?
    • a sampling technique where the researcher divides or ‘stratifies’ the target group into sections
    • each section is representative of a key strata (or characteristic) that should be present in the final sample
    • you need an equation for this sampling
  • what does strata mean?
    a sub-group
  • what is the equation for stratified sampling?
    (sample size / population size) x stratum size