Origins of Psychology

    Cards (11)

    • What did Wilhelm Wundt do?

      - in 1879 he opened first psychology lab
      - first to study structure of the human mind, by breaking down behaviours into basic elements known as structuralism
      - first to study the mind in carefully controlled scientific environment (lab)
    • What did Wundt believe?

      - believed behaviour should be studied in scientific way
    • What is introspection?

      - investigated internal events by observing conscious thoughts/feelings
    • What was Wundt's aim?

      - to analyse the nature of human consciousness
      - this was the first systematic analysis of a persons mind
    • What was Wundt's methodology?

      - controlled and scientific
      - experiences were analysed in terms of their component parts
      - components included sensations and emotional reactions
      - people trained to analyse data to make sure it was objective
      - people presented with standardised sensory experiences and asked to record their experiences (eg a metronome)
      - looked at thought in the present
    • Weaknesses of introspection - Watson
      - Watson criticised scientific status the data produced was subjective
      - participants were recalling their own conscious thoughts, so results varied from person to person
      - Wundt agreed it wasn't as scientific as he intended, but paved the way for other methods
    • Weaknesses of introspection - Unobservable and immeasurable

      - conscious thoughts are mental processes that cannot be observed and measured
      - a true scientific psychology should focus on behaviours that can be observed and measured
    • 1900's early behaviourists rejected introspection
      - argued it is subjective
      - argued psychology should only study things that can be measured and observed
    • 1930's behaviourist scientific approach dominated

      - Skinner brought scientific research and rigour
      - focus on learning lab studies
    • 1950s cognitive approach
      - studied mental processes scientifically
      - likened the mind to a computer
      - used experiments and inferences
    • 1980s biological approach
      - technological advances
      - genetic research
      - scanning techniques (EEG and fMRI)