
Cards (15)

  • Target population is the particular group we are interested in studying
  • A representative sample is a smaller group of the target population. This is used for generalisation
  • Sampling bias is when a sample becomes biased because of the over representation of one group of people.
  • Random sampling is a sample on which every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected
  • A disadvantage of random sampling is its very easy to end up being biased through chance
  • An advantage of random sampling is its the most unbiased way with no researcher effects etc
  • Opportunity samples are selecting participants that are available at the time
  • A disadvantage of an opportunity sample is the researcher might choose people that look friendly
  • An advantage of an opportunity sample is its quick and efficient
  • Volunteer sampling is when you ask people to take part in studies through flyers
  • An advantage of volunteer samples is the participants know the basics of what they are doing so will be cooperative
  • A disadvantage of volunteer samples is not everyone will sign up to do it so there will be an under representation for them
  • Stratified sampling is dividing the target population into sub categories which will make sure they are all evenly represented
  • An advantage of stratified sampling is its evenly proportioned
  • A disadvantage of stratified sampling is the researcher may have preconceived ideas about the relevant characteristics