when a slightly negative and slightly positive meet a weak electrostatic force is formed between them
all water molecules are polar
when the electrons within a molecule are not evenlydistributed it is a polar molecule
The hydrogen bond isn’t within the molecule so it occurs outside the molecule
Disulphide Bonds
S-S bonds
Disulphide bridges
covalent links between two sulphur atoms
they are very strong and stabiliseproteins
covalent bonds are non metal and non metal
which share a pair of electrons
the strong bonds form a molecule
ionic bonds are metal and non metal
transfer of electrons
two oppositely charged electrons bond
they have an electrostatic force
weaker than covalent bonds
protease breaks down proteins into amino acids using hydrolysis
OH groups are HYDROXYL groups
LYSIS- cell bursting
CRENATION - cell shirvling up
Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from a dilute solution (high concentration of water) to a more concentrated solution (low concentration of water) across a partially permeable membrane