Demand Characteristics

Cards (9)

  • Demand characteristic
    The process where participants may change their behaviour during the experiment as they have guessed the aim
    • also referred to as 'participant reactivity'
    • considered a type of extraneous variable
  • Hawthorne effect
    Guessing the purpose of the experiment and trying to please the researcher by over-performing
  • 'Screw you' effect
    Guessing the purpose of the experiment and giving the wrong answers to try and annoy the researcher
  • Social desirability
    Acting unnaturally as you're worried how you will be perceived
  • Investigator effects
    This refers to the researcher's features and how they might affect the participant's response - physical characteristics, leading questions, unconscious bias in their interpretation of results
    • can be reduced by using double-bind procedure
  • Double bind procedure
    Neither the researcher or the participant knows which condition of the experiment they are taking part in
  • Single-blind procedure
    Where there are two conditions of the independent variable and the participant will not know which condition they are participating in
  • Randomisation
    The use of methods to reduce the researcher's unconscious biases when designing an investigation
    • e.g. randomly deciding on order of conditions within experiment using a random generator
  • Standardisation
    Researcher should use standardised procedures and instructions (which is when the procedures are the exact same for all PPs involved) so the study is fair and holds everybody to the same standard, increasing the validity.