They are used to choose a representative sample from the target group.
Random sampling
Gives every member of the target group an equal chance of being selected for the sample (e.g. by assigning a number to each member, and then selecting from the pool using a random number generator)
each PP has the same probability of being selected so there's a reasonable chance of achieving a representative sample
it can be impractical
minority subgroups within population may not be present in the sample
Systematic sampling
Selecting from a target group, e.g. every fourth person in a list could be used in the sample.
unbiased chance of gaining a representative sample (if list order has been randomised)
if the list has been assembled in any other way, bias may be present
Stratified sampling
Dividing the target group into sections that each show a key characteristic which should be present in the final sample, then each section is sampled individually
avoids the problem of misrepresentation sometimes caused by purely random sampling
takes more time and resources to plan
if the strata are not accurately defined or if individuals are misclassified into incorrect strata, the results can be biased and misleading
Opportunity sampling
PPs who are accessible are targeted, e.g. employees from a conveniently located employer near the laboratory could be selected for the sample group
easy and inexpensive to carry out
consequent sample may not be representative as it could be subject to bias (they may possess similar qualities, making the group unrepresentative)
Volunteer sampling
The sample consists of people who have volunteered to be in the study
achieves a large sample size through reaching a wide audience, for example with online advertisements
the PPs that respond to the call for volunteers may all display similar characteristics (such as being more trusting or cooperative than those who did not apply) which increases the chances of an unrepresentative sample.