Experimental Methods

Cards (5)

  • Experimental method
    Manipulation of variables in an attempt to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. There are 4 types.
  • Laboratory
    Controlled environments, whereby standardised procedures are used and participants are allocated to experimental groups
    • Reliable (can be replicated due to standardised procedure)
    • Internally valid (controls extraneous variables)
    • Low in external validity (environment and tasks are usually artificial)
  • Field
    Manipulation of IV in real life settings, sometimes PPs don't know they're being studied
    • Externally valid (natural setting means PPs behaviour will be normal)
    • Low in internal validity (difficult to control extraneous variables in real life settings)
  • Natural
    IV varies naturally; experimenter does not manipulate it but records effects of DV
    • Externally valid (behaviour is normal because of real life setting)
    • Low in internal validity (difficult to control extraneous variables)
  • Quasi
    IV occurs naturally, e.g. gender/age/eye colour. Researcher cannot manipulate and cannot randomly allocate PPs to different conditions
    • Reliable (takes place in controlled settings and can be replicated)
    • Low in internal validity (would be extraneous variables as they can't randomly allocate PPs to conditions)