Because processors are made of transistors - which only have two states which are on and off - so computers use binary to represent same states as transistors.
What are some number systems?
Binary - base 2, with digits 0 and 1
Denary - base 10, with digits 0 to 9
Hexadecimal - base 16, with digits 0 to F
Numbers from 0 to 255 in binary can be represented in 8-bit numbers.
Numbers from 0 to 255 in hexadecimal can be represented in 2-digit values.
What are the basic rules for binary addition?
0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 0 carry 1
1 + 1 + 1 = 1 carry 1
What is an overflow?
When the result of a binary calculation is too big, so the carry is lost.
How are multiplications and divisions done in binary?
Moving numbers to the left multiplies them (1 shift left multiplies by 2, 2 shifts left multiplies by 4, and so on)
Moving numbers to the right divides them (1 shift left divides by 2, and so on)
What is a problem with binary division?
When any of the 1 values are lost, the result will not be accurate.
What is a character set?
A set of characters that a computer system can represent.
How do character sets work?
Each character is given a unique binary code - when character is typed, the binary code is stored and when character is displayed, the right character for the stored binary code is displayed.
How do bits relate to character sets?
More bits per character means more possible characters, meaning it is a larger character set.
What is ASCII?
A character set that uses 8 bits per character - it can display all keyboard symbols (the English alphabet, numbers and basic symbols)
What is Unicode?
A character set that uses 16 bits per character - it can display all characters from any language.
How is sound stored in computers?
By sampling.
What is sampling?
Sound waves sampled at regular intervals by measuring the amplitude - the measured value is stored in binary.
What is sample interval?
Gap between samples - smaller gap means more samples taken every second, meaning that the sound quality would better (and the file size would be bigger)
What is bit rate?
The amount of bits used to store each sample.
How do sample intervals and bit rates affect file sizes?
Smaller sample intervals lead to bigger file sizes
Larger bit rates lead to bigger file sizes
How do computers store images?
By storing them in pixels.
What is a pixel?
A small square of a single colour - they make up pictures in computers.
How is colour stored in computers?
Each colour is given an unique binary value - when a pixel is stored, its binary value of the colour is saved.
What is colour depth?
Bits used to save each pixel.
What is metadata?
Data about the file (image) - e.g. where it was taken, date, colour depth, author, compression type, file type, and more.
How does colour depth affect file size?
More colour depth - more possible colours, therefore larger file sizes.
What is compression?
Reducing the size of a file.
Why may compression be beneficial?
The files would then be quicker to send in email or over the internet, would take up less storage space, and use less bandwidth.
Describe lossy compression:
Decreases the file size by removing parts of a file that aren't needed, such as reducing the number of colours in a picture - data is permanently lost and quality of file is reduced, but file size decreases significantly.
Why is lossy compression (quality reduction) used?
They often aren't noticeable in images or sounds.
Describe lossless compression:
Reduces size of file without removing any parts of a file, e.g. finds more efficient way to store colours - quality is not reduced, no data is permanently lost but file doesn't become smaller as much.
Use of compression
Lossy compression cannot be used for some things such as texts, as it is impossible to remove any data without ruining the file.