compnents of fitness

Cards (13)

  • cardiovascular endurance
    the ablilty of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to your body tissues during prolonged physical activity
  • muscular endurance
    the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period
  • strength
    the amount of force a muscle or group of muscles can exert against a resistance
  • maximal strength
    the greatest force that is possible in a single maximum contraction
  • static strength
    the ability to hold a position without movement
  • dynamic strength
    the ability to exert a force repeatedly over a period
  • explosive strength/ power
    the ability to exert a maximal amount of force in the shortest possible time
  • flexibility
    the range of motion available at a joint
  • speed
    the ability to move all or parts of the body as quickly as possible
  • agility
    the ability to move or change direction quickly and effectively whilst under control
  • balance
    the ability to maintain the bodys position with the centre of mass over the base of support, wheter moving or stationary
  • coordination
    the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently
  • reaction time
    time taken to respond to a stimulus