role + function of education

Cards (8)

  • Chubb and Moe suggested the voucher system because research on achievements of 60,000 students from low-income families in 1,015 state and private schools show they do 5% better in private schools.
  • functionalism: performs 4 functions essential for smooth society
    • durkheim - curriculums teach specialist skills to perform effective roles in society and create social solidarity.
    • parsons - bridge between family and society, focal secondary socialising agency, provides meritocracy, exposes children to universalistic values.
    • davis and moore - role allocation, 'sifts and sorts' into appropriate roles (social stratification into unequal groups) where most talented recieve higher salaries.
    • schultz - developing human capital to create the most qualified people for jobs.
  • evaluation of functionalism's theory:
    • postmodernists - functions promoting competition + individualism.
    • equal opportunities don't exist in education - middle class more likely to succeed.
    • marxists argue education socialises the young into accepting capitalism.
    • most deprived pupils are less likely to achieve higher earning so role allocation is not solely based on ability.
    • wong - functionalists see children as passive recipients of socialisation when they are complex beings.
  • neoliberalism:
    • value of education lies in how well it enables competition in the global marketplace.
    • yet suggests the state shouldn't provide services like education.
    • enables parents as consumers if schools become businesses.
  • new right:
    • current system is inefficient due to it being state run and a one-size fits all approach.
    • favour the marketisation of education as we are currently producing a less qualified workforce and a less prosperous economy.
    • Chubb and Moe (1990): Consumer Choice by Voucher system
    • each family has voucher of equal amount to buy an education from any school.
    • forces schools to be businesses/be responsive to consumers as this is their income allowing parentocracy.
  • evaluation of neoliberal + new right:
    • marketisation only benefits the middle classes as they have the ability to make an informed choice of desireable schools
    • critics suggest the real cause of low educational standards is not state control but inadequate funding of state schools.
  • marxism:
    • education's function is to maintain capitalism/class inequalities.
    • Althusser (1971) done via Repressive State Apparatus (force) and Ideological state apparatus (beliefs).
    • Education as an ISA - reproduces class inequalities and legitimises them through ideology to create false class consciousness.
    • bowles and gintis - correnspondence principle that school reflects the workplace to prepare children and myth of meritocracy - by promoting equal opportunities it seems like the ruling class deserve their success and the WC are poor because they didn't work hard.
  • evaluation of marxism
    • morrow + torres (1998) - criticisms for 'class first approach' like its the only inequality yet disregards race, gender.
    • Willis only used 12 boys, so it isnt representative and critics suggest this study romantics their antisocial behaviours.
    • chubb + moe argue marxism fails to see how education fails all social classes