Cards (4)

  • Criticism of BSTc size and neuronal number

    • Chung et al.
    • Significant sexual dimorphism doesn't develop until adulthood
    • However, MTF transgenders report their feelings start at childhood
    • Therefore, it is unlikely that BSTc volume and neuron number can be a neuroanatomical signature identifiable with gender identity
  • Evidence for genetic basis
    • Hare et al.
    • Transsexual gene - a longer version of the androgen receptor gene
    • Reduces sensitivity to testosterone, under-masculinising the brain
    • MTF more likely to have this gene
  • Criticism for brain scans
    • Marik et al.
    • 2000 participants - 25% replicability
    • <500 - 5%
    • Therefore, brain scans must be done with large sample sizes
  • Socially sensitive research
    • Removes responsibility from the person
    • Stigmatises characteristics
    • Clinicians should avoid reinforcing damaging stereotypes