Psychological explanation

Cards (10)

  • Psychological explanations for SZ-
    Result of family dysfunctions = climate of family
  • Psychological explanations for SZ-
    Schizophrenogenic mothers- (SZ causing mothers)
    • Fromm-Reichmannn - 1948
    • result if childhood issues - psychodynamic
    • mothers are: cold, rejecting, controlling
    • creates anxiety due to the tense/secretive environment
    • SKEWED FAMILY = passive father
    • symptoms = paranoid delusions, stress/anxiety
  • Psychological explanation for SZ-
    • Bateson - 1972
    • Poor communication style with family
    • Mixed messages of what’s right or wrong + punished by the withdrawal of love
    • Fear to ask + punishment = anxiety
    • Psychodynamic (childhood repression) + diathesis-stress model (potential + triggered by event)
    • symptoms: avolition, speech poverty, disorganised thoughts, paranoid delusions
  • Psychological explanations for SZ-
    Expressed emotion - EE
    • negative emotions expressed by carers
    • verbal criticism, hostility, emotional over-involvement
    • increases the risk of relapse (SZ episode)
    • symptoms: paranoid delusions, avolition
  • Psychological explanation for SZ-
    Evaluations -
    CPS- Kalafi + Tovabi (1996)- Iranian study = universal validity, negative emotion climate (EE)=relapse
    CPS- Read (2005)- insecure attachment in adults with SZ - family dysfunction, 46 studies of child abuse + SZ = 69% F, 59% M
    CPW- shows the correlation, not causation - childhood impact, memory/symptom failure
  • Psychological explanations for SZ-
    CPS- Berger (1965)- higher recall of double bind with mother, than the control without SZ
    CPW- retrospection is invalid - symptoms could cause interference/contamination to memory
    W- unethical - Schizophrenogenic mothers, blames mums = socially sensitive + long-term effects/guilt - effects the ability to care, outdated, gender bias, reductionist
  • Cognitive explanation for SZ-
    Dysfunctional thinking-
    • Disruption of normal thought processes
    • Reduced thought processing in the ventral striatum = negative symptoms
    • Reduced information processing in the temporal + cingulate gyri = hallucinations - Simon 2015
    • Each evens being lower than expected suggests that cognition will be impaired
  • Cognitive explanation for SZ
    Metarepresentation dysfunction-
    • Frith - 1992
    • reduced ability to reflect on thoughts and behaviours + indented goals/intentions
    • can differentiate between your own and others actions
    • symptoms: auditory hallucinations, delusions
  • Cognitive explanations for SZ-
    Central control dysfunction-
    • Frith - 1992
    • issues with the ability to suppress automatic responses while performing deliberate actions
    • e.g- hears a word and reacts to the trigger word automatically, when it can usually be suppressed
    • symptoms: speech poverty, thought disorder
  • Cognitive explanation for SZ-
    S- Stirling - compared cognitive task performance with 30 participants - strop test (coloured words) - SZ=X2 longer to answer
    W- proximal explanation for symptoms - e.g genetics used without relations to childhood trauma
    W- lacks support from family based experiment (schizophrenogenic mothers, EE = parent blamed)