Biological therapy

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    • Biological therapy for SZ-
      • Reduce the symptoms intensity
      • Focused on positive symptoms
      • Typical = CHLORPROMAZINE
      • Atypical = CLOZAPINE / RISPERIDONE - + negative symptoms
      • Methods: tablet, syrup, injections (2-4 weeks)
    • Biological therapy for SZ-
      Chlorpromazine - 400-800mg
      • antagonist - decreases dopamine levels
      • blocks receptor cites (synapses) - binding to the post synaptic neurone
      • production is increased before its reduced
      • works as a sedative = chemical straight jacket
      • SIDE EFFECTS: dizzy, weight gain, uncontrollable facial movements, 0.1-2% risk of a coma then death (blocked hypothalamus = shut down to death)
    • Biological therapy for SZ-
      Clozapine - 400mg
      • Antagonist - blocks dopamine, serotonin, glutamate receptors in the synapse (co-morbidity - depression, anxiety)
      • Improves mood and cognitive functions - reduces suicide risk
      • SIDE EFFECTS: blood disorder - regular blood tests
    • Biological therapy for SZ -
      Risperidone - 4mg
      • antagonist to dopamine + serotonin receptors
      • smaller dosage = no real side effects
      • better at binding to receptor cites
    • Biological therapy of SZ-
      W- not a cure, just reduced symptoms
      W- Clozapine cant be injected - limiting
      W- over-exaggerated + only short term effects
      S- easy for the NHS + economy
      W- involves commitment and trust - may be difficult
      W- patients may not understand the full side effects/commitment
      S- Thornley - met-analysis of 13 trials, Chlorpromazine was more effective than the placebo
      W/S- Meltcer - Clozapine was effective after Chlorpromazine failed