chapter 10 - meiosis

Cards (70)

  • What distinguishes living organisms?
    Their ability to reproduce their own kind
  • What is genetics?
    The scientific study of heredity and variation
  • What is heredity?
    The transmission of traits from one generation to the next
  • How is variation demonstrated in offspring?
    By the differences in appearance that offspring show from parents and siblings
  • What will be learned in this genetics overview?
    • Genetics on the level of organism, cell, and molecule
    • How genetics is revolutionizing medicine and agriculture
    • Ethical questions arising from DNA manipulation
    • Development from a single cell (the fertilized egg)
  • What do children inherit from their parents?
  • What do genes program in an organism?
    Specific traits that emerge during development
  • What are genes made up of?
    Segments of DNA
  • What is a locus?
    A specific location of a gene on a chromosome
  • How are genes passed to the next generation?
    Through reproductive cells called gametes
  • How many chromosomes do humans have in their somatic cells?
    46 chromosomes
  • How many chromosomes do gametes have?
    23 chromosomes
  • What is asexual reproduction?
    One parent produces genetically identical offspring by mitosis
  • When does asexual reproduction result in non-identical offspring?
    If a mutation occurs
  • What is a clone?
    A group of genetically identical individuals from the same parent
  • What is sexual reproduction?
    Two parents give rise to offspring with unique combinations of genes
  • What are human somatic cells composed of?
    • 23 pairs of chromosomes
    • 46 total chromosomes
  • What is a karyotype?
    An ordered display of the pairs of chromosomes from a cell
  • What are homologous chromosomes?
    Two chromosomes in each pair that are the same length and carry genes controlling the same inherited characters
  • What determines the biological sex of an individual?
    The sex chromosomes, X and Y
  • What is the diploid number for humans?
    46 (2n = 46)
  • What is a haploid cell?
    A cell that contains a single set of chromosomes
  • How many chromosomes does a human gamete contain?
    23 chromosomes
  • What is fertilization?
    The union of gametes (the sperm and the egg)
  • What is a zygote?
    The fertilized egg that has one set of chromosomes from each parent
  • What do somatic cells produce by mitosis?
    Somatic cells
  • What is the behavior of chromosome sets in the human life cycle?
    • At sexual maturity, ovaries and testes produce haploid gametes
    • Gametes are produced by meiosis
    • Meiosis results in one set of chromosomes in each gamete
    • Fertilization and meiosis alternate to maintain chromosome number
  • What occurs during meiosis?
    It reduces the number of chromosome sets from diploid to haploid
  • How many sets of cell divisions occur in meiosis?
    Two sets of cell divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II
  • What is the result of meiosis?
    Four daughter cells with half as many chromosomes as the parent cell
  • What happens in meiosis I?
    Homologous chromosomes separate
  • What is synapsis in prophase I?
    Homologous chromosomes loosely pair up, aligned gene by gene
  • What is the outcome of meiosis II?
    Four haploid daughter cells with unreplicated chromosomes
  • What occurs during interphase before meiosis I?
    Chromosomes are replicated to form sister chromatids
  • What is crossing over?
    Nonsister chromatids exchange DNA segments
  • What forms a tetrad during meiosis?
    A group of four chromatids from homologous chromosomes
  • What happens in metaphase I?
    Tetrads line up at the metaphase plate
  • What occurs in anaphase I?
    Pairs of homologous chromosomes separate
  • What happens during telophase I and cytokinesis?
    Each half of the cell has a haploid set of chromosomes
  • What occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II?
    No chromosome replication occurs