Unit 7

Cards (28)

  • what is hyperechoic
  • what is hypoechoic
  • what is anechoic
    completely black
  • what is isoechoic
    same echogenisity
  • what is homogenous
    smooth, same texture
  • what is heterogenous
    different texture
  • what is an artifact
    occurs when a structure is not real, missing, misplaced, incorrect brightness, shape, or size
  • what are the propagation artifacts
    slice thickness
    comet tail
    ring down
    mirror image
    edge shadow
    grating lobe
    speed error
    rand ambiguity
  • what are the attenuation artifacts
  • what are the spectral doppler artifacts
    range ambiguity
    mirror image
  • what is slice thickness
    third dimension
    beam with perp to the scan plane
    can fix by using tissue harmonic imaging
  • what is speckle
    granular appearance of images
    can fix by compound imaging
  • what is reverberation
    equally spaced reflections of diminishing amplitude
    2 or more strong reflectors are encountered in the sound path
  • what is comet tail
    similar to reverberation but lines are very close together
  • what is ring down
    often caused by fluid trapped between gas bubbles
  • what is another name for ring down
    dirty shadowing
  • what is mirror image
    duplication of a structure on the opposite side of a strong reflector
    can fix by trying a different angle or increasing gain
  • what is mirror image common around
    pleura and diaphragm
  • what is refraction
    change of direction of the sound beam
    displaces structures laterally from their correct locations
  • what are grating lobes
    additional weaker beams emitted from an array transducer
    displaces laterally from true structures
  • what is speed error
    occurs when the speed of sound in soft tissue is faster or slower that 1.54
  • what is range ambiguity
    all echoes are not received before the next pulse is emitted
    places the structures closer to the surface than they should be
    can fix if we increase depth PRF which should adjust it
  • what is shadowing
    weakening of echoes distal to a strongly attenuating or reflecting structure
    can fix with spatial compounding
  • what is enhancement
    strengthening of echoes distal to a weakly attenuating structure
    can fix with spatial compounding
  • what is aliasing
    under sampling of the doppler shifts in a pulsed doppler system
    appearance of doppler info on wrong side of baseline
    occurs when doppler shift exceeds the Nyquist limit
    can fix by increasing spectral scale or baseline
  • what is range ambiguity (color/spectral)

    pulse is emitted before all the echoes from the previous pulse have been received
    increase PRP
  • what is mirror (color/spectral)

    duplication of vessel or doppler shift on opposite side of strong reflector
    happens closer to 90 degrees
    can fix by decreasing doppler gain and changing the angle
  • what is flash artifact
    sudden burst of color doppler
    usually caused by tissue or transducer motion
    color beyond the region of blood flow