the ethological explanation suggests that the main function of aggression is adaptive
Ethology is the scientific study of animal behaviour
studying reasons for animal aggression could be used to understand human aggression
3 ways aggression in animals is thought to provide evolutionary advantage:
to stay on top of the hierarchy
to protect it from threats
to attract mates
Animal aggression is ritualistic which means members of the same species will respond to threats/stimuli with the same set of behaviours
Appeasement displays are when animals show signs of submission
Lorenz argues aggressive energy builds up within animals but innate releasing mechanisms stop aggression being expressed
innate releasing mechanisms are triggered by a stimulus in the environment and then the animal performs predictable aggressive behaviours (Fixed action patterns)
innatereleasingmechanisms are a set of inherited neural circuits
Fixed action patterns are though to be innate
all members of the same species perform the same behaviours without having to learn from other members which is why fixed action patterns are thought to be innate
Stages of FAPs:
Stereotyped - behaviour follows a certain pattern each time
Universal - all the animals in that species use the same type of threat
Innate - all the animals in that species seem to be born with it and do not have to learn it
Ballistic - once it starts it cannot simply be stopped
Specific triggers seem to set it off
Research by Tinbergen shows that regardless the shape, if the model had a red spot the male stickleback would aggressively attack