
Cards (4)

  • A synapse is the place where one axon meets another.
  • Transmission Across the Cholinergic Synapse P1:
    • Action potential in pre synaptic terminal.
    • Calcium ion channels open and calcium ions enter by facilitated diffusion.
    • Vesicles fuse with the pre synaptic membrane.
    • Neurotransmitter diffuses across the cleft and binds to complementary receptors on the post synaptic membrane.
  • Transmission Across the Cholinergic Synapse P2:
    • Sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse in, depolarising the post synaptic membrane.
    • Action potential in post synaptic membrane.
    • Neurotransmitter hydrolysed by an enzyme, products are reabsorbed and reform into neurotransmitter.
  • The cholinergic synapse is a synapse that uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.