
Cards (13)

  • sexual jealousy is an evolutionary explanation for aggression
  • Jealousy in a man occurs when they are unsure about whether or not they are their child's parent
  • evolutionary theory suggests that if a gene gives a survival advantage the individual is more likely to reproduce + pass genes onto the next generation
  • aggressive behaviour could have be beneficial to our ancestors as it increased reproductive success
  • aggression is beneficial for survival because:
    • compete for resources
    • seen as being able to protect a mate and offspring
    • survival against predators
  • people with an aggressive gene are more likely to have children who are also reproductively successful and can pass on this gene (survival of the fittest)
  • sexual jealousy occurs when a male is threatened by cuckoldry and is insure of paternity
  • males believe that raising a child that they are not genetically related to is a waste of resources that could be spent in the investment of his own offspring
  • men who avoided cuckoldry were more reproductively successful which is why mate retention strategies have been developed in males to reduce this threat
  • mate retention strategies, such as mate guarding, are an attempt to stop their partners from straying
  • mate retention strategies are adaptive
  • Negative inducements is when a man issues threats of dire consequence for infidelity
  • Direct guarding is male vigilance over a partners behaviour