How do cognitive psychologists study internal processes if they cannot be observed?
Study them indirectly by making inferences
How are computer models used?
The mind is compared to a computer by suggesting there are similarities in the way information is processed
Computer models use the concepts of a centralprocessingunit (the brain), the concept of coding (to turn information into a useable format) and the use of ‘stores’ to hold information.
How are schemas generated?
Experience. They become more sophisticated through time
As schemas can act as a mentalframework, it provides us with ’mental shortcuts’ so we can process large volumes of data quickly and efficiently, thus avoiding sensoryoverload
Examples of brain imaging techniques
fMRI and PET scans
What has advances in brain imaging techniques allowed scientists to do?
Systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes
One strength of the cognitive approach is that it uses objectivescientific methods. Highly controlled and rigorous methods of study are used so researchers are able to infer cognitive processes. This has involved the use of lab studies to produce reliableobjective data
The emergence of cognitive neuroscience has enabled the two fields of biology and cognitive psychology to come together to enhance scientific basis of study. This means study of the mind has a crediblescientific basis
What is a counterpoint to cognitive psychology being scientific and credible?
As cognitive psychology relies on the inference of mental processes, rather than direct observation of behaviour, it can occasionally suffer from being too abstract and theoretical in nature.
Research studies of mental processes are often carried out using artificial stimuli that may not represent everyday experience, therefore lacking external validity
The cognitive approach as real world application
Likely the dominant approach in psychology today and has been applied to a wide range of practical and theoretical contexts. For example, important contribution in the field of artificial intelligence. Has also been applied to treatment of depression
The cognitive approach is machine reductionist
The computer analogy as been criticised as it ignores influence of human emotion and motivation on the cognitive system, and how this affects out ability to process information. For example, impact of anxiety on human memory (eyewitness testimonies)
The cognitive approach is founded in softdeterminism. The view that human behaviour may be determined by internal and external factors but we can also exert out freewill at times