misleading information

Cards (54)

  • innocence project
    • organisation clears names of wrongly convicted people
    • eyewitness misidnetification greatest single cause of wrongful convictions USA, overturned by DNA later
  • eye witness memory
    1. encodes into LTM, may be partial as event occurs ... quickly, at night, and accompanied by rapid, violent, complex action
    2. retains information for a time- so memories may be lost or modified during retention, other activities may interfere with the memory itself
    3. retrieves memory from storage, may be a presence or absence of information- effecting the accuracy
  • eye witness memory simple 

    1. encode (partial)
    2. can be modified
    3. correct cues present?
  • factors affecting EWT
    • witness factors
    • event factors
  • witness factors
    • the person
    1. age
    2. race
    3. gender
    4. individual response to anxiety or stress
  • event factors
    • duration of event and level of violence witnessed
  • misleading information, causes memory to become contaminated
  • interviewers using leading questions can distort the event
  • misleading information after the event can have a retroactive interfering on our recollection
  • leading question
    by form or content, suggests to the witness what answer is desired
  • memories are like a wikipedia page, anyone can affect. they can be edited at anytime by us and others
  • our memories can easily be altered by other information
  • What was the aim of Loftus and Palmer's (1974) Experiment 1?
    To find out if the verb used in the critical question can affect speed estimates in a crash
  • How many students participated in Loftus and Palmer's Experiment 1?
    45 students
  • What type of design was used in Loftus and Palmer's Experiment 1?
    Independent Groups Design (IGD)
  • How many films did participants watch in the experiment?
    7 films
  • What was the duration of the films shown to participants?
    5 to 30 seconds
  • What did participants do after watching each film?
    They filled out a questionnaire about what they had seen
  • What was the critical question asked in the questionnaire?
    About the car speed using a changing verb
  • What was the aim of Loftus and Palmer's (1974) Experiment 1?
    To find out if the verb used in the critical question can affect speed estimates in a crash
  • How many students participated in Loftus and Palmer's (1974) Experiment 1?
    45 students
  • What were the five conditions of the critical question in the experiment 1 (lotus + palmer 1974)
    Hit, smashed, collided, bumped, or contacted
  • What type of design was used in Loftus and Palmer's (1974) Experiment 1?
    Independent Groups Design (IGD)
  • What was the average speed estimate for the "contacted" condition?
    31.8 mph
  • What was the average speed estimate for the "smashed" condition?
    40.5 mph
  • How many films did participants watch in the experiment 1 (lotus + palmer)
    7 films
  • What conclusion did Loftus and Palmer draw from their experiment 1?
    The verb in the question influenced participants' speed estimates
  • What was the duration range of the films shown to participants in experiment 1
    5 to 30 seconds
  • What did participants do after watching each film in experiment 1
    They filled out a questionnaire
  • What concept does the loftus + palmer illustrate regarding memory?
    Leading questions can distort memory of events
  • What is social desirability or response bias in the context of this loftus + palmer 1?
    It refers to how a person's schema for the verb influences their memories and biases their response
  • What was the critical question asked about the films (lotus + palmer 1)
    It was about the car speed using a changing verb
  • How does the verb used in questions affect memory recall according to Loftus and Palmer's findings?
    It can lead to different speed estimates based on the verb's schema
  • What were the five conditions of the critical question in the experiment 1
    Hit, smashed, collided, bumped, or contacted
  • What was the average speed estimate for the "smashed" condition?
    40.5 mph
  • What was the average speed estimate for the "contacted" condition?
    31.8 mph
  • What conclusion did Loftus and Palmer draw from their experiment 1
    The verb in the question influenced participants' speed estimates
  • What concept explains how the verb influences memory in Loftus and Palmer's study 1
    Social desirability and response bias
  • How does a person's schema for a verb influence their memory according to the study?
    It biases a person's response
  • loftus + palmer (1974) 2

    a = if leading questions changed responses or their memories were altered