
Cards (363)

  • What are the four key definitions of abnormality in psychology?
    1. Deviation from social norms
    2. Failure to function adequately
    3. Statistical infrequency
    4. Deviation from ideal mental health
  • What is psychopathology?
    The study of psychological disorders.
  • What is a challenge in identifying psychological unwellness?
    Determining when behavior differs from what is considered 'normal'.
  • What is the implication of cultural relativism in defining abnormality?
    Social norms differ between cultures, affecting definitions of normality.
  • How might a behavior considered normal in one culture be viewed in another culture?
    It may be seen as abnormal in a different cultural context.
  • What is an example of a behavior that may be considered abnormal due to deviation from social norms?
    Walking around the streets of London practically naked.
  • What is the issue of hindsight bias in relation to social norms?
    Social norms change over time, affecting past definitions of abnormality.
  • How did the perception of homosexuality change in the UK over time?
    It was regarded as a mental illness until 1973 but is now considered normal behavior.
  • What does the failure to function adequately definition entail?
    A person is abnormal if they cannot cope with everyday life demands.
  • How might depression affect a person's ability to function adequately?
    It may prevent them from getting out of bed or going to work.
  • What is a weakness of the failure to function adequately definition?
    It does not account for individual differences in coping abilities.
  • What is a strength of the failure to function adequately definition?
    It considers the subjective experiences of the patient.
  • What confusion can arise between failure to function adequately and deviation from social norms?
    Behaviors may appear as failure to function but could also be a lifestyle choice.
  • What does the statistical infrequency definition state?
    A behavior is abnormal if it is statistically uncommon in society.
  • What is the average IQ according to the statistical infrequency definition?
    Approximately 100
  • What is the difference between failure to function adequately and deviation from social norms?
    Failure to function adequately refers to an inability to perform daily activities, while deviation from social norms refers to behaviors that differ from societal expectations.
  • How can a behavior that appears to be a failure to function adequately also be a deviation from social norms?
    A behavior may be a choice to live an alternative lifestyle that deviates from societal norms.
  • Why is it difficult to ascertain if a behavior should be considered maladaptive?
    Because personal choices may reflect alternative lifestyles rather than dysfunction.
  • What does the Statistical Infrequency definition state about abnormal behavior?
    It states that a behavior is abnormal if it is statistically uncommon in society.
  • What is the average IQ score according to the Statistical Infrequency definition?
    The average IQ score is approximately 100.
  • What percentage of the population has an IQ in the range of 85 to 115?
    Approximately 65% of the population has an IQ in the range of 85 to 115.
  • What percentage of the population has an IQ below 70 or above 130?
    Approximately 5% of the population has an IQ below 70 or above 130.
  • What does a normal distribution curve represent in the context of IQ?
    • It shows the proportions of the population sharing a particular IQ characteristic.
    • 2.5% of the population has an IQ below 70.
    • 2.5% of the population has an IQ above 130.
  • What is one problem with the statistical infrequency definition of abnormality?
    It can lead to misdiagnosis, as common behaviors like depression may be classified as normal.
  • Why can labeling an individual as abnormal be unhelpful?
    It can contribute to a poor self-image or discrimination against the individual.
  • What is an example of a statistically infrequent behavior that may be desirable?
    Having a very high IQ is statistically infrequent and can be celebrated.
  • What are Jahoda's six principles of ideal mental health?
    They include positive self-view, personal growth, autonomy, accurate reality perception, stress resistance, and environmental mastery.
  • What does Jahoda suggest defines abnormal behavior?
    Abnormal behavior is defined by the absence of ideal mental health characteristics.
  • How does Jahoda's definition of abnormality compare to physical health measures?
    It parallels the medical approach by defining health through the absence of certain characteristics.
  • What is a weakness of Jahoda's definition of ideal mental health?
    The criteria are unrealistic, as everyone experiences stress and negativity at times.
  • What is a strength of Jahoda's definition of abnormality?
    It takes a positive and holistic stance by focusing on desirable behaviors.
  • What is a cultural relativism issue with Jahoda's criteria?
    Some criteria may be considered Western and not applicable in collectivist cultures.
  • What are the issues and debates surrounding the definitions of abnormality?
    • Nomothetic vs. idiographic approaches to diagnosing abnormal behavior.
    • Ethnocentricity in defining ideal mental health criteria.
  • What is an example of a possible exam question regarding Jahoda's criteria?
    Which of the following is not one of the criteria for ideal mental health as suggested by Jahoda?
  • What should students do to avoid losing credit in exams regarding definitions of abnormality?
    Students should revise the similarities and differences between the four definitions of abnormality.
  • What is the definition of statistical infrequency in the context of abnormal behavior?
    Statistical infrequency is when an individual's characteristics or behaviors are considered numerically rare.
  • What is an example of a behavior that is statistically common but considered normal?
    Approximately 10% of the population experiences depression at some point.
  • What is an example of a behavior that is statistically uncommon but considered abnormal?
    Having a high IQ is statistically uncommon and considered abnormal despite being desirable.
  • What is the importance of identifying behaviors that are both infrequent and undesirable in defining abnormality?
    It helps avoid mislabeling desirable traits as abnormal.
  • What is the significance of the criteria for ideal mental health proposed by Jahoda?
    They provide a framework for identifying abnormal behavior based on the absence of positive characteristics.