plasticity + functional recovery

Cards (11)

  • what is brain plasticity
    the brains ability to change and adapt as a result of experience
    important for brain development and behaviour
  • life experiences
    people gain new experiences = new nerve pathways developing and connections become stronger
    plasticity in 60 year olds - taught new skill of juggling - grey matter in the visual cortex increased and reversed when practice stopped
  • video games study
    compared control group with experimental group
    trained for two months for 30 mins a day on super mario
    significant increases of grey matter in the visual cortex and hippocampus
    resulted in new synaptic connections for spatial navigation etc
  • plasticity AO3 - animal studies
    used rats to investigate the effect of environment on the number of neurons in the brain
    2 groups:
    1: complex environment
    2: simple lab cages
    found evidence of increased numbers of new neurons in the hippocampus of group 1
    :( generalisability
  • plasticity AO3 - human studies

    london taxi drivers - used MRI scans and calculated amount of grey matter in their brains / control group
    the hippocampus = memories + navigation was larger and positively correlated with the amount of time they’d been taxi driving
    :( no baseline evidence - previously large hippocampus could’ve subconsciously led them to become taxi drivers
  • what is functional recovery
    where the brain shows evidence of moving functions from a damaged area to other dormant areas
  • two mechanisms for recovery
    neuronal unmasking
    stem cells
  • what is neuronal unmasking
    dormant synapses are synapses that exist anatomically but their function is blocked
    increased amount of input to these synapses can then unmask them and activate them
  • what are stem cells
    unspecialised cells that can give rise to different cell types that carry out different functions
    can be implanted into the brain to directly replace dead or dying cells
  • functional recovery AO3 - animal studies
    randomly assigned rats with traumatic brain injury to two groups
    1: received stem cells into the region of brain damage
    2: did not receive stem cells
    after three months - 1 showed developments of neuron like cells with a stream of stem cells moving to the site of injury
    :( generalisability
  • functional recovery AO3 - age
    was proposed that functional plasticity reduces with age
    things can still be modified in adulthood with intense retraining