humanistic approach

    Cards (56)

    • when did the approach emerge
    • what are the key assumptions of this approach
      focus is on studying unique subjective human experiences - “ person centred approach
      people have free will and are in control of their own behaviour - rejects idea of behaviour being determined by factors outside of our control
    • what do humanists believe
      they can provide tools to help people
    • what did humanistic psychology become recognised as in 1950’s america 

      the third force
    • what did carl roger’s and abraham maslow suggest and what did it focus on

      a person centred approach which focused on the idea that each human is unique and in control of their own destiny
    • who did they criticise and why
      the likes of freud and watson for staying that behaviour is determined by forced out of our control
    • what does humanism focus on 

      subjective human experience and how that shapes an individual
    • what is freewill
      the ability to make our own conscious choices and be in control of our own behaviour
    • what did roger’s believe
      that people are all essentially good and that human nature is positive
      everyone is capable of personal growth and achieving their potential
      but we need unconditional positive regard and positive self worth but if conditions of worth are imposed on us we are less likely to achieve full potential
    • what are conditions of worth
      conditions we think we must meet in order for other people to accept us as worthy of their love and acceptance
    • what do we learn as children
      that there are certain things that we do which please our parents / guardians and we strive to do those things
      this generalises to people such as teachers, friends hand society
    • what do we do with our life according to those conditions
      we live according to the conditions of worth we internalised as we grow up
    • what is unconditional positive regard
      a type of love where other people accept us and love us despite any faults we have
    • who do we get unconditional positive regard from in our childhood
    • what are the consequences of receiving unconditional positive regard
      people feel free to try things out and make mistakes without feeling that love will be withdrawn
    • what is unconditional positive regard essential for 

      the development of becoming a well rounded adult in later life
    • what is positive self worth
      feeling confident and positive about yourself despite any mistakes you may make and how unhappy your may be
      also is open with people
    • what is congruence
      level of similarity between iseal self and actual self
    • what is the development of congruence dependent on 

      us receiving unconditional positive regard and having high positive self worth
    • what happens if we achieve more congruence
      we have a higher sense of self worth and according to rogers we can achieve personal growth
    • as a complete state of congruence if very rare to exist, what do more people experience 

      a state of incongruence
    • what did maslow believe 

      humans are motivated to seek personal growth and fulfilment
    • what do we have to do to meet this
      fulfil the ‘deficiency’ needs first
    • how did maslow demonstrate this 

      hierarchy of needs
    • what is the bottom stage in the hirearchy of needs
    • what is in the physiology section 

      the necessities
    • what is the second part of the hierarchy of needs 

    • what is in the safety section 

      security of:
      the family
    • what is the third part of the hierarchy of needs
      love and belonging
    • what is in the live and belonging section
      sexual intimacy
    • what is in the fourth part of the hierarchy
    • what is in the esteem section
      self esteem
      respect of others
      respect by ithers
    • what is the top of the hierarchy
      self actualisation
    • what is in the self actualisation part of the hierarchy 

      problem solving
      lack of prejudice
      acceptance of facts
    • where are the more basic needs in position of the hierarchy
      at the bottom
    • where are the more advanced needs of the hierarchy
      at the top
    • must each level be fulfilled before a person can move up to a higher need
    • who did maslow study to gain more knowledge on self actualisation
      albert einstein
      abraham lincoln
    • how many people reach the top of the hierarchy
      1 - 2 %
    • what is self actualisation 

      reaching your full life potential