
Cards (8)

  • what was Wundts full name?
    Wilhelm Wundt
  • what did wundt seperate psychology from?

  • what did wundt make the first of?
    the first psychological lab
  • how did wundt seperate psychology?
    he used scientific methods focusing on objective measurements and control
  • what did wudnt get participants to do?
  • what is introspection?

    examination or observation of one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • what 4 things did wudnt do to make his experiment scientific?
    • recorded results scientifically,
    • used the same stimulus,
    • standardised intructions,
    • made scientific and systematic reports
  • what are the issues with wudnts research?
    • it is highly subjective,
    • it produces qualitative data that must be interpreted,
    • measures a non observable process