Report everything - Include even unimportant details as these details could be important and may trigger other memories
What is the second step in the Cognitive Interview?
Reinstate the Context - Picture the scene and how you felt. Avoids contextdependent forgetting
What is the third step in the Cognitive Interview?
Reverse the order - Recall from the end and work backwards. This disruptsexpectations
What is the fourth step in the Cognitive Interview?
ChangePerspective - Put yourself in the shoes of someone else who was present. Disrupts Schema
What is fifth step in the Cognitive Interview?
The enhancedcognitiveinterview (ECI) - Adds social dynamics e.g. establishing eye contact, asking open ended questions, getting witness to speak slowly, minimising distractions to reduce anxiety
Advantages of cognitive interview?
Designed to increase quantity without compromising quality
Research supporting effectiveness - Kohnken on average the CI generates 34% more information
Disadvantages of cognitive interview?
Very timeconsuming and requires specialtraining
Does not guarantee accuracy - research found CI led to an 81% increase in correct information but 61% increase in incorrect information
Different policeforces use different components eg Thames Valley don’t use ”changingperspectives” which makes comparisons difficult