Cognitive Interview

Cards (7)

  • What is step one of the Cognitive Interview?
    Report everything - Include even unimportant details as these details could be important and may trigger other memories
  • What is the second step in the Cognitive Interview?
    Reinstate the Context - Picture the scene and how you felt. Avoids context dependent forgetting
  • What is the third step in the Cognitive Interview?
    Reverse the order - Recall from the end and work backwards. This disrupts expectations
  • What is the fourth step in the Cognitive Interview?
    Change Perspective - Put yourself in the shoes of someone else who was present. Disrupts Schema
  • What is fifth step in the Cognitive Interview?
    The enhanced cognitive interview (ECI) - Adds social dynamics e.g. establishing eye contact, asking open ended questions, getting witness to speak slowly, minimising distractions to reduce anxiety
  • Advantages of cognitive interview?
    • Designed to increase quantity without compromising quality
    • Research supporting effectiveness - Kohnken on average the CI generates 34% more information
  • Disadvantages of cognitive interview?
    • Very time consuming and requires special training
    • Does not guarantee accuracy - research found CI led to an 81% increase in correct information but 61% increase in incorrect information
    • Different police forces use different components eg Thames Valley don’t use ”changing perspectives” which makes comparisons difficult