nature + purpose of marriage

Cards (7)

  • commitment
    to be dedicated or obligated to someone or something (eg: marriage)
  • nature of marriage
    catholics believe marriage id a sacrament which conveys God's grace
    catholic + envangelical christians see marriage as a union of 2 straight people of opposed genders - "God made them male + female." + "two shal become one flesh"
    christian marriage is seen as monogamous
    liberal christians view that marriage can be in between any gender.
  • marriage
    the legal union of 2 people
  • monogamous
    a marriage or sexual relationship between only 2 people
  • purpose of marriage
    • some christians think that once married , couples should have children - Genesis 1:28
    • marrriage symbolises the relationship between God + His church
    • Jesus' words in Mark 10 indicate that sex forms a bond between a couple so should be between a couple
    • to allow couples to express love.
  • christian marriage ceremony (5 marker!!!)
    1. priest welcomes everyone + gives a short sermon on the nature + purpose of marriage
    2. couple exchanges their vows which reflect the main christian beliefs about marriage
    3. couple exchange rings (symbolises commitment)
    4. vicar declares the couple married
    5. prayers , hymns + Bible readings + Priest gives a sermon
    6. legal requirement in Britian is for newly married couple to sign the register witness by a registrar+ witness, which makes the ceremony legal.
  • buddhist views on marriage
    • do not consider marriage to have religious significance + regards it as secular
    • believe that marriage is a legal contract that binds 2 ppl together , not a divine bond
    • thereavada monks do not marry but take a vow of celibaxy as love is a distraction from the path to enlightenmant
    • Buddha renounced his family on the path to englightenment + left his wife
    • lay buddhists may marry but no obligation for them to.