behaviourist approach

Subdecks (2)

Cards (23)

  • what are the main assumptions for the behaviourist approach?
    • humans are born blank,
    • behaviour is learnt through experience,
    • only observable behaviour can be studied scientifically,
    • it is valid to study animals as they share the same learning principals
  • what are the 2 types of conditioning in the behaviourist approach?
    • classical conditioning,
    • operant conditioning
  • classical conditioning is?

    learning by association
  • operant conditioning is?

    learning by consequence
  • reinforcement is?

    consequence of a behaviour that increases likelihood of behaviour being repeated
  • what is punishment?

    an unpleasant consequence that decreases the likelihood of behaviour being repeated
  • what is positive reinforcement?

    reward for desired behaviour
  • what is negative reinforcement?

    desired behaviour to avoid a negative thing
  • what is punishment?

    unpleasant consequences for a behaviour
  • what does hard determinism mean?

    that free will is an illusion
  • what is a disadvantage of the behaviourist approach?

    it ignores cognitive features