Strength: research support for the absorption-addiction model?
Maltby et al (2005) - studied female adolescents who reported an intense personal rel with a female celeb whose body shape they admired - these females tended to have a poor body image
Linked the entertainment-social level with extravert personality traits, the intense-personal category with neurotic traits and the borderline pathological level with psychotic personality types
Both studies support the model - shows a correlation between the level of celeb worship or disorder psychological functioning
Strength: attachment explanations is cross-cultural support?
Schmid and Klimmt (2001): found similar levels of parasocial attachment to Harry Potter in individualistic culture and a collectivistic culture
This tendency isn't culturally specific
Suggests: the need to form parasocial rels may be universal and innate and may be an adaptive behaviour
Limitation: Absorption-addiction model is it lack explanatory power?
Model describes the characteristics of people at different levels of intensity but doesn't explain why the different forms develop
This doesn't help us to prevent the dangerous and disturbing forms of parasocial rels
Model is limited in its explanatory power and its application for supporting people whose celeb worship has become problematic
Limitation: Link to attachment theory is lack of support?
McCutcheon et al (2006): found that Ps with insecure attachments were no more likely to form parasocial rel with celebs than Ps with secure attachment styles
Key assumption of this explanation and failure to find support for it raises crucial questions about the explanations validity
Limitation of using attachment theory to explain parasocial rel because it shows that it has little predictive strength
Limitation: Methodological issues limit the validity of the research?
Most of the research studies use self-report techniques to collect data - these can be affected by forms of bias for examples social desirability bias
Most of the studies also use correlational analysis, despite strong correlations between celeb worship and body image casual links can't be made
There's no evidence to show that parasocial rel are caused by specific experiences