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  • What do correlations not have that experiments do?
    Correlations do not have independent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs)
  • What are the two types of correlation mentioned?
    Perfect correlation and imperfect correlation
  • What does a perfect correlation look like on a graph?
    A perfect correlation is represented by a 45-degree angle going up or down
  • What is the maximum correlation value for a perfect positive correlation?
    The maximum correlation value for a perfect positive correlation is +1
  • What is the maximum correlation value for a perfect negative correlation?
    The maximum correlation value for a perfect negative correlation is -1
  • What does an R value of +1 indicate?
    An R value of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation
  • What does an R value of -1 indicate?
    An R value of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation
  • What type of data is required for ordinal correlation?
    Ordinal data, which has to be ordered and ranked
  • What happens if only two conditions are used in a correlation?
    It produces a bar graph instead of a scatter graph
  • What type of data must be used in correlations?
    Data must be quantitative
  • What is the correlation coefficient?
    The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure of how two factors vary together
  • What is required for an R value to be considered significant?
    The R value needs to be higher than 0.2
  • What do correlations predict?
    Correlations predict a relationship, not differences
  • What are the characteristics of correlation in research?
    • No IVs and DVs, only co-variables
    • Predicts relationships, not differences
    • Requires quantitative data
    • Ordinal data must be ordered and ranked
  • What is the purpose of a correlation coefficient?
    To measure the strength and nature of the relationship between two co-variables
  • What does a correlation coefficient indicate about the relationship between two variables?
    It indicates whether the relationship is positive or negative
  • What is the range of values for a correlation coefficient?
    Between -1.0 and +1.0
  • What does it mean if a correlation coefficient is closer to +1 or -1?
    It indicates a stronger correlation
  • What correlation coefficient value represents a perfect positive correlation?
  • What correlation coefficient value represents a perfect negative correlation?
    • -1
  • What are the characteristics of correlation coefficients?
    • Measures strength and nature of relationship
    • Ranges from -1.0 to +1.0
    • Closer to +1 or -1 indicates stronger correlation
    • +1 indicates perfect positive correlation
    • -1 indicates perfect negative correlation