Coding capacity duration

Cards (17)

  • whats coding
    Format info is stored
  • Whats capacity
    Amount that can be stored
  • What is duration
    Length info is stored
    Coding = semantic
    Capacity = unlimited
    Duration = unlimited
  • Short term memory
    Coding= acoustically
    Capacity= 7 +- 2 things
    Duration = 18 seconds
  • Sensory register (sense store)

    coding = sense specific
    Capacity = very high
    Duration = very low
  • Coding research: badderly word list recall

    4 groups: Acoustic similar+dissimilar and semantic similar +dissimilar
    STM found worse on similar acoustic words so STM is acoustically stored
    LTM found worse on similar semantic words so LTM is semantically stored
  • Capacity research: jacobs increasing digits study

    STM found mean length of words is 7.3 letters and for digits its 9.3
  • Capacity research: miller observations

    Found pattern of sevens and also chunking is helpful
    STM cap is 7+-2 and LTM unlimited but need prompt
  • Duration research: peterson STM count back study

    3 letter + digit recall
    count back from number or letter to prevent rehearsal
    After 3 seconds 80% accurate recall
    After 18 seconds 3% accurate recall
  • Duration research: bahrick LTM yearbook recall
    Recall names from pictures
    15 years since graduation 90% accurate recall
    48 years since graduation 70% accurate
  • Positive of badderly word list study

    Found difference between stores which led to multi store model
  • Negative of badderly word list study

    Artificial material so no personal connection so low application
  • Positive of jacobs increasing digit length study 

    Replication of study had same results so high validity
  • Negative of millers observation for STM
    Overestimated capacity, its 4 not 7
  • Negative of petersons 3 digit recall study

    Artificial material so low application
  • Positive of bahricks yearbook recall study

    Meaningful material with personal connection so high validity