french pronominal verbs

Subdecks (1)

Cards (33)

  • What does "s’asseoir" mean in English?
    To seat oneself
  • What is the meaning of "s’habiller"?
    To dress oneself
  • How do you say "to brush one's teeth" in French?
    Se brosser les dents
  • What does "se coiffer" translate to?
    To style one's hair
  • What is the English translation of "se coucher"?
    To put oneself to bed
  • What does "se dépêcher" mean?
    To hurry oneself
  • How do you say "to relax oneself" in French?
    Se détendre
  • What is the meaning of "se baigner"?
    To bathe oneself
  • What does "se doucher" translate to?
    To shower oneself
  • How do you say "to wash one's face / hands / hair" in French?
    Se laver (le visage / les mains / les cheveux)
  • What does "se regarder" mean?
    To look at oneself
  • What is the English translation of "se lever"?
    To raise oneself
  • What does "se promener" mean in English?
    To take oneself for a walk / stroll
  • How do you say "to shave (one's legs)" in French?
    Se raser (les jambes)
  • What is the meaning of "se reposer"?
    To rest oneself
  • What does "se réveiller" translate to?
    To wake oneself up
  • What are reflexive verbs in French?
    Verbs that indicate the subject performs an action on itself
  • Why are reflexive verbs important in French?
    They describe actions that individuals do to themselves