Social change

Cards (8)

  • What is social change?

    When a view held by a minority group challenges the majority group and is eventually accepted by the majority
  • What are the 6 steps to social change?

    -Draw attention
    -Deeper processing
    -Augmentation principle
    -Snowball effect
    -Social crypto-amnesia
  • Draw attention?
    When the majority are exposed to the views of a minority, attention is drawn to the issue
  • Consistency?

    Minorities are more influential when fighting for social change if they express their arguments consistently over time
  • Deeper processing?

    As a result of the conflict they feel, people begin to examine the minoritys argument more deeply
  • Augmentation principle?

    If there are risks involved for the minority in putting forward their argument then they are taken more seriously
  • Snowball effect?

    As more and more people change their views and join the minority it grows until it eventually becomes the majority
  • Social crypto-amnesia?

    When people forget the origin of a social change and cannot recall what life was like before the social change, but just know that there was a social change