an experiment carried out in a controlled setting which is unfamiliar to the participants - the experimenter has manipulated the IV
what are field experiments
a controlled experiment conducted outside a laboratory- the setting must be natural for the participants
what are natural experiments
this is a research method where the experimenter has not manipulated the independent variable directly- the experimenter can't randomly allocate conditions to Ps
what are quasi experiments
a research method where the IV is naturally occurring so the Ps haven't randomly allocated Ps to conditions, but the condition already exists
what are some strength of lab experiments
reliable- lab experiments are conducted in a highlycontrolled setting and has a standardised procedure- this makes the experiment easy to replicate
high control- experiments are conducted in a highly controlled setting so extraneous variables van be controlled and cause and effect relationships can be established
ethical- the Ps are likely to have agreed to take part and therefore fewer ethical guidelines will be broken
What is one weakness of lab experiments related to realism?
high mundane realism- the tasks are similar to real life and the findings can be generalised to everyday behaviour which increases the external
what is another strength of field experiments
high ecological validity- the Ps are familiar with the setting and consequently the behaviour is naturally occurring and it can be generalised beyond the setting which increases the external validity
what is another strength of field experiments
less likely to have experimenter effects- the experiment is conducted in the natural setting and this means the Ps are likely to be observed without them knowing - therefore there will be a reduced chance of demand characteristic which increases the external validity
what is a weakness of field experiments
less reliable- they are conducted in a natural setting, and it is harder to ensure that the exact same experience is given to all Ps - this makes it harder to replicate
what is another weakness of field experiments
less control- Ps are conducted in a natural setting and it becomes harder to control extraneous variables, so it is harder to establish cause and effect between the IV and the DV which reduces the internal validity
what is another weakness of field experiments
less ethical- Ps are unlikely to know they are taking part of research, so they are less likely to have given consent- they are less likely to have been given the right to withdraw and more ethical guidelines are likely to be broken
what is a strength of natural experiments
it allows research can't be manipulated for ethical or practical reasons- even if there isn't as much control it is still valuable to conduct such research
what is another strength of natural experiments
high ecological validity- the experiment will be conducted in a natural setting- therefore behaviour displayed will be naturally occuring and it can be generalised to everyday life which increase the external validity
what is another strength of natural experiments
ethical-the researchers do not manipulate the IV- this means the researchers do not cause any harm of the Ps- any harm caused is beyond the researchers control- the researchers are breaking less ethical guidelines and makes this more ethical
what is one weakness of natural experiments
they can only be used where conditions vary naturally- experimenters are limited to what the can investigate and the number of questions that the experimenter can ask is limited
what is another weakness of natural experiments
less reliable- they make use of a natural setting and the IV is not manipulated- this makes it harder to replicate as the same circumstances will not occur again
what is another weakness of natural experiments
low control- as the IV is not directly manipulated, the Ps are not directly assigned to a group so it is hard to control extraneous variables- it is harder to establish cause and effect
what is a strength of quasi experiments
allows research where Iv can't be manipulated for ethical or practical reasons - it is still valuable to conduct such research
what is a weakness of quasi experiments
potential for biased sample- as Ps are not randomly allocated to conditions, there is more risk for bias and therefore a quasi experiment is not a true experiment