It is described as a nucleotidederivative. One ribose sugar, one adenine nitrogenous base, three phosphate groups. The third phosphate group is joined by an unstable, highenergy bond.
How does ATP release energy?
The unstable bond between the thirdphosphate group has low activationenergy, and, so, is easily broken. Breaking bonds releases lots of energy
What is the reaction to make ADP?
Hydrolysis reaction, catalysed by ATPhydrolase (ATPase)
ATP + H20 -> ADP + Pi + energy
Adenosine triphosphate + Water -> Adenosine diphosphate + Inorganicphosphate group + energy
What is the reaction to make ATP?
Condensation reaction, catalysed by ATPsynthase
ADP + Pi -> ATP + H20
Adenosine diphosphate + Inorganicphosphate group -> Adenosine triphosphate + Water
What is phosphorylation?
When an inorganic phosphate group bonds to a different compound. This transfers energy and makes the compound more reactive.
Is the synthesis of ATP reversible?
What are the 5 good properties of ATP?
Immediate energy source: releases small, manageable amounts of energy. Wastes less - stops cells from overheating from wasted heatenergy
Small and soluble: easily transported
Only one bond needs to be hydrolysed: glucose requires several
Can transferenergy via phosphate: glucose cannot
Cannot pass out of a cell (cannot diffuse and has no proteincarriers): each cell has its own constantsupply
What are the 3 poor properties of ATP?
Unstable bonds means ATP is not a long-term energy store
Only exists as a fewseconds worth of supply
Cannot be stored - it must be continuously made in the mitochondria
What are the 4 uses of ATP explained, as well as 3 extra uses?
Metabolic processes - ATP provides energy for polymerisation
Movement - ATP provides energy for muscle contraction