Inorganic ions

Cards (4)

  • Where are inorganic ions?
    In the cytoplasm, body fluids and larger molecules, usually in high or low concentrations.
  • What are the 4 points of hydrogen ions?
    1. Pure water slightly dissociates into equal concentrations of H+ and OH-.
    2. Excess of H+ lowers the pH of a solution, whereas an excess of OH- raises the pH of a solution.
    3. Equal concentrations are termed 'neutral' solutions.
    4. Aqueous solutions vary in pH, according to amount of H+ or OH- ions present
  • What are the 3 points of iron ions?
    1. Iron ions are an inorganic component of haemoglobin - one iron atom forms part of a haem group to be a prosthetic group
    2. Iron has a high affinity for oxygen because they are both charged ions, so they bind together to make oxyhaemoglobin.
    3. Iron is an essential part of our diet - without, you become anaemic (blood is low on oxygen)
  • What are phosphate ions used in?
    Joining nucleotides together in DNA or RNA, role in ATP, forms the hydrophilic heads on phospholipids