
Cards (8)

  • what is weakness
    -pa can be very psychic deterministic.
    -freud believed that in relation to human behaviour that there was no such things as an accident.
    -even something as random as a slip of tongue is driven by unconscious forces and has deep symbolic meaning
  • What would this imply?
    -that humans lack free will and therefore have no control over their own behaviour.
    -this directly contradicts the humanistic approach which states humans have free will
  • What is another weakness? (testable?)

    -argued that freud theories are untestable and therefore according to karl pooper do not the meet the criteria to be considered scientific
    -many of freuds concepts such as defence mechanisms cannot be tested.
    -according to popper this makes psychodynamic approach a pseudoscience rather than real science.
  • however what could one argue about defence mechanisms
    -have intuitive appeal
    -some evidence to support the existence of DM's e.g case studies of people who are unable to recall upsetting events
  • what is a strength (huge influence)
    -although freuds theory is controversial in many ways and occasionally bizarre it has nevertheless had a huge influence on psychology and western contemporary thought
    -alongside behaviourism the pa has been a dominant force in psychology and has been used to explain a wide range of phenomena including personality development abnormal behaviour development and gender
  • what is the approach also significant for

    -in drawing attention to connection between experiences in childhood such as parental relationships and later development
  • What is a weakness (pop validity)

    -freud's theory was based on intensive study of single individuals who were often in therapy e.g. little hans
    -although freud's observations were incredibly detailed and carefully recorded crticis have suggested it is not possible to make universal claims about human nature based on studies on such a small number of individuals who were deemed psychologically abnormal
    -therefore results are not able to generalised to the wider pop and lacks pop validity
  • what is a strength
    -in support it does have useful applications especially in therapy
    -most therapies are based on ideas put forward by freud the idea that we should talk about deep rooted issues to resolve them
    -many therapies such as relate marriage guidance counselling are based on therapies suggested by this approach
    -lindgren (2010) found psychoanalysis to be effective with young adults