Thematic Analysis

Cards (4)

  • Thematic analysis rejects conversion to quantitative form, data stays in qualitative form & data is scrutinised as objectively as possible & emergent themes are identified to avoid imposing preconceptions.
  • In thematic analysis, data is organised into recurring themes rather than reduced & a written report includes the themes identified, the most common themes & direct quotes (excerpts).
  • Thematic analysis is a very lengthy process:
    1. read & re-read the data transcript dispassionately- trying to understand the meaning communicated & the PP's perspective.
    2. break the data into meaningful units- small bits of texts which are independently able to convey meaning.
    3. assign a label or code to each unit- these are the categories you're using.
  • Thematic Analysis Process:
    4. combine simple codes into larger categories/ themes & then instances can be counted or examples provided.
    5. a check can be made on the emergent categories, by collecting a new set of data & applying the categories- they should fit the new data well if they represent the topic area investigated.