Statistical Tests

Cards (9)

  • What test is used for 1) nominal data 2) test of difference 3) unrelated design?
    Chi squared
  • What test is used for 1) nominal data 2) test of difference 3) related design?
    Sign test
  • What test is used for 1) nominal data 2) test of association/correlation 3) any design?
    Chi squared
  • What test is used for 1) ordinal data 2) test of difference 3) unrelated design?
    Mann Whitney
  • What test is used for 1) ordinal data 2) test of difference 3) related design
  • What test is used for 1) ordinal data 2) test of association 3) any design?
    Spearman’s rho
  • What test is used for 1) interval data 2) test of difference 3) unrelated design?
    Unrelated t-test
  • What test is used for 1) interval data 2) test of difference 3) related design?
    Related t-test
  • What test is used for 1) interval data 2) test of association 3) any design?
    Pearson’s r