Thematic analysis

Cards (11)

  • Thematic analysis is used for analysing open questions
  • 1.) Familiarisation with data - the researcher must keep re reading noting their initial observations
  • 2.) Coding involves the identification and grouping together of the main ideas with concise labels with data to illustrate these ideas
  • 3.) Searching for themes (a coherent and meaningful pattern in the data) The ideas are grouped to see if they fit a certain theme- organising all coded data
  • 4.) Reviewing themes - Checking that the themes work and that they define the nature of each individual theme
  • 5.) Defining and naming themes - constructing a concise and informative name for each theme
  • 6.) writing up - a report that tells a persuasive coherent story
  • Strengths
    • The data remains rich and qualitative 'an intimate window into the life worlds of people'
    • Reduces large amounts of data. So the validity is still high
    • small amount of researcher effects as themes must be derived from the data not preconceived ideas
  • Weaknesses
    • The researchers themes may be biased (researcher effects lowering validity)
    • Reliability is questioned as different researchers may find different themes
    • Time consuming and highly skilled
  • An example of a study that uses thematic analysis is frith and Gleeson 2004. It was qualitative survey conducted on mens views on their bodies and clothing. Two themes men value practicality and men should not care about how they look.
  • It was by braun and Clarke 2006