Cards (9)

    • Unipolar and bipolar depression
      • 3 in 10 people will experience depression in England in their lifetime
      • more common in women (statistics)
      • leading cause of disability worldwide and leading cause of absence worldwide
      • can lead to suicide - 2nd leading cause of death in 15-29 yr olds
    • Types of depression
      major depressive disorder
      premenstrual dysphoric disorder - severe PMS
      seasonal affective disorder
    • DSM - major depressive disorder
      1. A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2 weeks period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure.
    • DSM - Major depressive disorder
      1. Depressed mood
      2. Loss of interest
      3. 5% weight/appetite loss or gain not linked to dieting
      4. Insomnia or hypersomnia
      5. Psychomotor agitation
      6. Fatigue pr loss of energy
      7. Negative thoughts and feelings of worthlessness
      8. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
      9. Recurrent thoughts of death
    • DSM - Major depressive disorder
      B. An impairment or significant distress in social, occupational or other areas of life
    • DSM - Major depressive disorder
      C. The episode is not related to substances or medical conditions
    • Behavioural characteristics
      5% weight change
      • loss of interest
      psychomotor agitation/restlessness
      aggression + irritability
      self harm
    • Emotional characteristics
      • lowered mood - daily
      low self esteem
      aggression + irritability
      recurrent thoughts of death
    • Cognitive characteristics
      • poor concentration
      • focusing on negative aspects of life
      absolutist thinking
      • recurrent thoughts of death