free will and determinism

Cards (12)

  • free will definition
    people are essentially self determining and we choose our own thoughts and actions
    people are active
    behaviour isn't predictable
  • determinism definition
    people are governed by internal and external factors
    people are passive
    freewill is an illusion
    behaviour can be predicted
  • soft determinism definition
    events can be determined but we have the freedom to make rational conscious choices in everyday life. combines freewill and determinism
  • hard determinism definition
    all human behaviour has a cause and it should be possible to identify and describe said cause
    aka fatalism
    everything we do is dictated by internal or external factors
    science is dependent on fatalism
  • environmental determinism
    all human behaviour is caused by our previous experience
    learned through conditioning
    e.g learning theory
  • psychic determinism
    all human behaviour is caused by repressed childhood conflicts and innate drives
    e.g freudian slips are determined by the unconscious
  • biological determinism
    all human behaviour is innate and determined by our brain and body
    e.g biological approach, OCD is caused by fault SERT gene
  • freewill vs determinism debate
    the extent to which we have control over our behaviours
  • freewill vs determinism - evaluation. positive contributions
    determinism has led to positive contributions within society
    determinism is consistent with science's aims
    human behaviour being orderly and obeying laws places psychology on an equal footing as established science. predictions allow solutions
    determinism has led to positive scientific contributions like funding of treatment for cures which wouldn't have happened if the focus was on the individual to get better
  • freewill vs determinism - evaluation. no evidence
    there is no evidence supporting determinism
    humanistic approach is more accurate. humans are not cause and effect, a myriad of factors are part of our lives. not everything has just one cause. for example, even MZ concordance rate for SZ is just 48% - other factors at play
    it demonstrates there isn't evidence for a fully hard deterministic view
  • freewill vs determinism - evaluation. counterpoint to no evidence
    there is evidence against freewill
    libet and soon - brain activity may determine choices. simple choices may predate our knowledge of having such choice. asked P's to press a left or right button
    even our most basic human experiences may be determined
  • freewill vs determinism - evaluation. the legal system
    determinism isn't compatible with the legal system in terms of responsibility
    hard determinism holds behaviours isn't the result of individual choice, whereas in a court of law the aim is to hold offenders responsible for their actions
    e.g stephen mobley - murderer but concluded he was genetically predisposed to seeking violence through brain scans
    therefore there is no intention to commit the crime if it is down to biology