nature and nurture

Cards (12)

  • nature definition
    behaviour that is a product of innate physiological or genetic factors like eye colour
    therefore, there is no control over behaviour
  • heredity definition
    the process by which traits are passed down genetically from one generation to the next
  • nurture definition
    the mind is a blank slate which learning and experience is the result of the environment
    behaviour is a product of environmental influences
  • tabula rasa definition
    the concept of the human mind as a blank slate that is gradually filled with experience
  • interactionist definition
    the view nature and nurture work together to shape human behaviour
    nature creates nurture, nurture impacts nature
  • key research for interactionism
    Plomin 1977
    niche picking, it is impossible and illogical to separate nature from nurture
  • diathesis stress model definition
    the result of an interaction between a predispositional vulnerability, the diathesis, and stress caused by life experiences
    more persuasive
    diathesis is genetic vulnerability
    stress is an external new stimuli
  • PKU
    genetic disorder caused by two recessive genes cannot break down amino acids
    low protein diet in childhood can prevent this from happening
  • epigenetics
    a change in our genetic activity without changing our genetic code. aspects of our lifestyle and events we encounter like smoking could leave epigenic marks on our DNA
    those marks could go on to influence the genes of our children
  • nature vs nurture - evaluation. evidence for epigenetics
    He and Dias wafted a scent under a mices nose then shocked them. The mice learned to associate the smell with the pain and shuddered when they smelt it. it was found that the rats offspring exhibited an increased sensitivity and shuddered when exposed
  • nature vs nurture - evaluation. disentangle
    adoption studies allow us to disentangle nature from nurture
    adoption studies allow us to separate them to compare influences
    more like adopted = nurture, whereas more like biological = nature
    this suggests its possible to separate the differences between nature and nurture, expanding our knowledge and letting us get closer to a conclusion of nature vs nurture
  • nature vs nurture - evaluation. downsides
    there are downsides to an entirely nativist or empiricist perspective
    nativists - anatomy is destiny can lead to eugenics
    empiricists - behavioural modification can lead to social control, which is extreme change to what is desired socially eg conversion therapy
    focusing on the extreme causes negative outcomes and can potentially be dangerous