Social influence factors

Cards (24)

  • 4 situations factors for bystander intervention
    diffusion of responsibility
    Noticing the event
    Pluralistic ignorance
    Cost of helping
  • What is diffusion of responsibility
    The bigger the crowd, the less we feel obligated to help
  • What is noticing the event
    When there are more people about and we are less alert and tend to carry on with our own business
  • What is pluralistic ignorance
    We look to others for info of how to interpret the situation, if people don’t react, we tend to classify it as not en emergency
  • What is cost of helping
    The situation is too risky
  • Personal factors affecting bystander intervention

  • Describe competence
    If we are trained to help
  • Describe mood
    If we are in a good mood we are more likely to help
  • Describe similarity
    If we perceive the person as similar to us, we are more likely to help
  • Situational factors of conformity
    Task difficulty
    Unanimity of the majority
    Size of majority
  • Personal factors of conformity
  • Describe task difficulty
    If we are unsure we look to others
    If we are sure we are less likely to conform
  • Describe unanimity of the majority
    when one person disagrees with the majority this creates two norms and the person is less likely to conform
  • Describe size of majority
  • Describe internal loc
    We are incharge and have control
  • Describe external loc
    We are unsure and have little control
  • Situational factors for obedience
    Proximity of victim
    Proximity of authority figure
    Authority figure changed
    Legitimacy of context
    Personal responsibility
    Support of others
  • Personal factors of obedience
  • Describe proximity of victim
    If in same room, harder to shock fell to 40%
  • Describe Proximity of authority figure
    If on phone, less likely to obey fell to 20.5%
  • Describe Authority figure changing

    Lab coat- obey more, professional
    Member of public, fell to 20%
  • Describe Legitimacy of context
    Yale University, run down office fell to 47.5%
  • Describe Personal responsibility
    working with another person, obedience rose to 90% took less personal responsibility
  • Describe support of others
    2 confederates, one refused to continue at 150v, other at 210v, obedience was only 10%