
Cards (98)

  • What family does Vibrionaceae belong to?
    Non-Enteric Gastrointestinal Pathogen
  • Why is Vibrionaceae not part of Enterobacteriaceae?
    Because Vibrionaceae is oxidase (+)
  • What is the natural habitat of Vibrionaceae?
  • Where is Vibrionaceae commonly found?
    In brackish or salt water
  • What shape is Vibrionaceae?
    Comma/curved bacillus
  • What type of anaerobe is Vibrionaceae?
    Short, facultative anaerobe
  • What does Vibrionaceae ferment?
  • What does NLF stand for in relation to Vibrionaceae?
    Non-lactose fermenter
  • What does Vibrionaceae reduce nitrates to?
  • Which Vibrionaceae species does not reduce nitrates?
    1. metschnikovii
  • What is the indole reaction for Vibrionaceae?
    Indole (+)
  • What does the string test indicate for Vibrionaceae?
    String test (+)
  • How is Vibrionaceae motile?
  • What is the halophilic nature of Vibrionaceae?
    Halophilic except V. cholerae and V. mimicus
  • What ability do Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio alginolyticus have?
    Ability to swarm in solid media
  • What does a positive string test indicate?
    Formation of stringlike structures
  • What is the reagent used in the string test?
    0.5% sodium deoxycholate
  • What does a positive string test result indicate about Vibrio species?
    Differentiates Vibrio from Aeromonas species
  • What risk factors are associated with Vibrio infections?
    Foreign travel and contact with water
  • What is the main symptom of cholera?
    Rice watery stool
  • What is the transport medium for Vibrio cholerae?
    Cary blair
  • What is the enrichment medium for Vibrio cholerae?
    Alkaline peptone water
  • What does TCBS agar indicate for Vibrio species?
    Yellow for sucrose fermenter, green for non-sucrose fermenter
  • What is the pH of TCBS agar?
    1. 8.6
  • Which Vibrio species are sucrose fermenters?
    1. cholerae and V. alginolyticus
  • What are the three major serotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1?
    Inaba, Hikojima, Ogawa
  • What is the characteristic of Vibrio cholerae 0139?
    Non-toxigenic and no choleragen produced
  • What does Vibrio cholerae Non 01 cause?
    Mild diarrhea
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 1 Vibrio species?
    Growth in culture media with 0% NaCl
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 2 Vibrio species?
    Strong reaction in media with 1% to 6% NaCl
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 3 Vibrio species?
    Strong reaction in myo-inositol fermentation
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 4 Vibrio species?
    Negative decarboxylase and dihydrolase test
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 5 Vibrio species?
    Positive with arginine dihydrolase test
  • What is the distinguishing feature of Group 6 Vibrio species?
    Strongly positive with LDG
  • What is the laboratory diagnosis method for Vibrio species?
    Culture on TCBS agar
  • What does a positive Cholera Red Test indicate?
    Red color after adding H2SO4
  • What is Pfeiffer’s phenomenon?
    Bacteriolysis of V. cholerae in guinea pig
  • What is the purpose of the Vibriostatic test?
    Differentiate Vibrio cholerae 01 and Non 01
  • What is the Kanagawa phenomenon associated with?
    Hemolysin production and virulence
  • What is the treatment for cholera?
    Doxycycline, azithromycin, or ciprofloxacin