
Cards (18)

  • What are specific phobias?
    Fears about specific objects or situations
  • What are social phobias?
    Anxiety related to social situations
  • What is agoraphobia?
    Fear of being trapped in a public place where escape is difficult
  • What are the behavioral responses associated with phobias?
    • Panic
    • Avoidance
    • Freeze (fight, flight, or freeze)
  • What are the emotional responses associated with phobias?
    • Anxiety
    • Emotional responses are often unreasonable
  • What cognitive aspects are involved in phobias?
    • Irrational beliefs
    • Selective attention to the phobic object
    • Cognitive distortions
  • What are phobias acquired through?
    Classical conditioning
  • How are phobias maintained?
    Through operant conditioning
  • What types of reinforcement can maintain phobias?
    Negative or positive reinforcement
  • What is an example of negative reinforcement in the context of phobias?
    Avoiding the phobic stimulus because it reduces fear
  • What is an example of positive reinforcement related to phobias?
    Attention received
  • What are the key processes involved in the acquisition and maintenance of phobias in the two-process model?
    • Acquisition: Classical conditioning
    • Maintenance: Operant conditioning
    • Negative reinforcement: Avoiding the phobic stimulus reduces fear
    • Positive reinforcement: Attention received
  • The two-process model Ao3:
    • ✅ Support for classical conditioning (Little Albert)
    • Incomplete explanation - many people have frightening experience & don’t develop phobias - could be explained with Diathesis-Stress Model
    • ❌ Ignores cognitive factors - phobias develop because of irrational thinking
    • ❌ People have phobias that aren’t because of frightening experiences -
  • Systematic Desensitisation - treat a phobia by gradually introducing the feared stimulus
  • Systematic Desensitisation Procedure
    • Counterconditioning- client is taught a new association ( relaxation instead of fear)
    • Relaxation - client is taught relaxation techniques
    • Hierarchy of fear - gradually introducing the client to the feared stimulus, one step at a time
  • Systematic Desensitisation Evaluation
    • ✅ Research support - 75% of clients respond well - success lies with actual contact of the feared stimulus
    • ❌ Not effective for all phobias
    • ❌ Cognitive restructuring - behaviourist approach ignores cognitive thinking
    • ✅ Sufferer has some control over the treatment - actively making a change
    • ❌ Expensive
    • ❌ Takes a long time
  • Flooding procedure
    • Client is exposed directly to the phobia until the patient’s anxiety has disappeared
    • A person’s fear response has a time limit. As adrenaline levels naturally decrease, the feared stimulus is now associated with a non anxious response
    • Before, patient is taught how to relax their muscles completely
  • Flooding evaluation
    • Effectiveness - more effective than SD
    • Ethical issues - client is put in a state of extreme anxiety
    • Individual differences - can’t work for people with heart issues
    • ❌ Not all phobias can be faced (drowning)